Sunday, August 5, 2012

2nd assignment

< Do you agree or disagree about making Kony faomous?>

  Today, I'm writing about another topic, Joseph Kony. First, I will introduce Joseph Kony. Kony is the leader of the LRA which is a group that kidnaps kids. People don't know when did he started and why he started too. In 2002, people became more interested about Kony and many countries started helping too. Should we need to make Kony become famous or not? We need to make Kony become famous to arrest him.




  To start with, actually I knew Kony from this essay. Like me, Kony is right now unknown to common people. Almost 100% of people don't know about him. After these paragraphs tou will know more about him.

  Moreover, do tou know how cruel Kony is? He kidnaps children anywhere and the girls become slaves and boys become soldiers. Don't tou think kidnapping is bad? However more violent thing that he did is when girls and boys grow up, he gives them a gun and makes them kill people who are their parents. You can think that when they don't kill them, it will be fine. But, lets think that your the kidnapped girl or boy. When you don't kill them, they will kill you. For the young people they don't want to die! Isn't Kony so cruel and nasty? Why is he doing this?

  Furthermore nowdays US government is helping too. Even the first guy to arrest is Kony. But Kony is always hiding and nobody knows where he is and also have no idea if  he's alive or not. Actually, he's very good at knowing about the topography in Africa. So nobody can find him. I'll give you an example. If a person is American and they know about the topography of America were. When the Korean government tried to find him, how can they do it? Even if there is a person that really knows the land well, Kony can go in the jungle. The jungle is very dangerous so we can't go there easily.

  However, some people even don't want Kony to be famous. But Kony is kidnapping many children even now! He makes people worry. Then people aren't able to live happily. Even you don't want to live your live by worrying all day. Also, can you imagine that your kids kill you? Or you kill your parents? It's so horrible!

  In conclusion, Kony should be made famous because, he's kidnapping many children and by kidnapping these kids killed many people's lives. So from now on, let's know more about Kony and start to make him famous

1 comment:

  1. The structure of this essay is good. Try to add more to your conclusion though. It is also good to add pictures and the "Kony 2012" video next time. Good luck!
